Dinge, die aktuell diskutiert werden und ich interessanter finde:
- The act of writing JSF applications and components „by hand“ will be made much easier by this JSR.
- Allow for „zero configuration“ web applications. No faces-config.xml, no web.xml. If necessary, annotations will be used to supplement the configuration data.
- Leverage annotations to declare JSF artifacts (components, managed beans, navigation rules, etc) to the runtime.
- Eliminate the need to author a JSP tag handler when writing JSF components.
- Real world, production view description technology, including templating: include something influenced by Facelets, JSFTemplating or Tiles in the specification
- All the artifacts that comprise a JSF application can be modified while the application is running.
- Expand the request processing lifecycle to be aware of Ajax.
- Decent client side, inter-component and form-level validation (leveraging JSR-303 validation if possible).
- Strategic additions to the Standard HTML RenderKit: Date Picker, Tree, Tab View, File Upload components.
- Provide a mechanism to minimize the „Lost Update“ and „Duplicate Button Press“ problems.
- Page actions: The ability to say, „when this page loads, invoke this action (via Ajax if necessary).“
- Allow JSF application resources to be accessed via REST. Add support for REST (JSR 311)
- „Skinning“, or „Themeing“ of components.
- WebBeans (JSR-299)
Die Dinge (und mehr) könnten Teil von Java EE 6 werden.
Links zu dem Thema:
- https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/proposals/JSF-2_0-draft.html
- http://weblogs.java.net/blog/edburns/archive/2007/03/prejcpfiled_dra_1.html
- http://www.jsfcentral.com/editorial/jsf2_wishlist_1.html
- http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Projects/Jsf2RequirementsScratchpad
- http://www.theserverside.com/news/thread.tss?thread_id=44836