Unter http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/world-leading-enterprise-application-server-providers,541827.shtml und http://www.osgi.org/blog/2008/09/impressive-press-release.html führen die Autoren auf, wie beliebt mittlerweile OSGi als Basis für Java EE Container ist. Peter Kriens führt folgende Container auf:
- IBM Websphere. They started in 2006 and aggresively moved their code on OSGi. Obviously it helped that IBM has committed itself to OSGi since day -1.
- Oracle WebLogic. Formerly known as BEA weblogic. BEA was one of the first companies public touting the advantages of OSGi, clearing the road for others.
- Paremus Infiniflow. Paremus has pioneered the use of OSGi in highly distributed application servers allowing the system to scale to unprecendented heights.
- ProSyst ModuleFusion. ProSyst is the key provider of OSGi technology in the embedded worlds but originated from the development of a J2EE server. They are now back in this market with an offering based completely on OSGi.
- Redhat JBoss. JBoss already worked with a microkernel approach but recognized the advantages of a standard two years ago.
- SAP Netweaver. Well, they are not yet based on OSGi, but they clearly see their future based on the OSGi specifications and are becoming more and more active in the OSGi Alliance.
- SpringSource Application Platform. The company that simplified Enterprise development with their Spring Framework decided to create their own offering in the application server market completely based on the OSGi specifications.
- Sun Glassfish. And last, but definitely not least, Sun decided to use OSGi in the JEE reference implementation Glassfish. They clearly take OSGi extremely serious nowadays since they also hired Richard S. Hall. It is so good to see Sun back at the OSGi Alliance.
Interessant sind zwei Feststellungen:
- In der Regel geben die Container die OSGi-Implementierung nicht nach oben weiter, abstrahieren also von den Internas. Nur einige Produkte erlauben, auch selbst OSGi-Bundles anzumelden.
- Java EE und das SpringFramework sind beides Nutznießer der OSGi-Plattform. Man kann nun fragen, ob man sich überhaupt noch mit OSGi selbst beschäftigen muss, wenn etwa GlassFish oder http://www.springsource.com/products/suite/applicationplatform gute Abstraktionen bieten.