JUnit 4.6 ist raus

Seit längerem gibt es mal wieder in Update in JUnit. Das Projekt ist relativ fehlerfrei und daher ist das neue Release kein Bug-Fix-Release, sondern JUnit 4.6 integriert einige interessante Neuigkeiten.


JUnit now includes a new experimental Core, `MaxCore`.  `MaxCore`
remembers the results of previous test runs in order to run new
tests out of order. `MaxCore` prefers new tests to old tests, fast
tests to slow tests, and recently failing tests to tests that last
failed long ago. There's currently not a standard UI for running
`MaxCore` included in JUnit, but there is a UI included in the JUnit
Max Eclipse plug-in.

Scheduling-Strategien für parallele Abarbeitung von Tests:

`JUnitCore` now includes an experimental method that allows you to
specify a model of the `Computer` that runs your tests. Currently,
the only built-in Computers are the default, serial runner, and two
runners provided in the `ParallelRunner` class:
`ParallelRunner.classes()`, which runs classes in parallel, and
`ParallelRunner.methods()`, which runs classes and methods in parallel.
This feature is currently less stable than MaxCore, and may be
merged with MaxCore in some way in the future.

Dann lassen sich Arrays mit Fließkommazahlen auch mit einem Delta vergleichen:

assertArrayEquals(new double[] {1.0, 2.0}, new double[] {1.0, 2.0}, 0.01);

Das tutego-JUnit-Seminar berücksichtigt diese Änderungen.

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