Die Eclipse Web Tools Platform ist in der Version 3.2.1. Neben den Java EE , JSF 2.0 Updates, Tomcat 7 Support, JAX-RS Wizards, XPath-View ist auch ein JAXB Schema Generator mit dabei:
JAXB XML Schema Generation
- Dali has added JAXB Schema Generation support to WTP. You can now generate an XML Schema (XSD) for a chosen set of JAXB mapped Java classes in your workspace. Use the "New" wizard at the Workspace, Project, or Package level to access the "JAXB->Schema from JAXB Classes" wizard.
Select the classes that you want to use for schema generation. Select a project, package, or just individual classes.
JAXB Class Generation
- Dali has added JAXB class generation support to WTP. Users can now generate classes for a given XML schema (XSD) in their workspace. Use the "Generate" context menu on any schema in a Java project to invoke the wizard.
Nette Sachen dabei, schaut rein:
- Dali JPA Tools
- Java EE and EJB Tools
- JavaServer Faces Tools
- Server Tools
- Source Editing and JSDT
- Web Services and WSDL Tools