Thema der Woche: Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)

The Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) exam is the entry level Java exam and is a prerequisite to a number of the other Java-related certifications. SCJP 6, designated CX-310-065 by Sun, was released in December 2007. It is designed to have a fairly detailed test of basic knowledge of the essentials of the Java programming language. It tests looping constructs and variables, and does not cover specific technologies such as GUI creation, Web or network programming. It is assessed through an automatically administered multiple-choice test system and consists of 72 questions which the candidate has 210 minutes to answer. At least 47 questions are needed to be correct to pass (around 65%). The SCJP 5 exam tests a candidate on knowledge of declarations, access control, object orientation, assignments, operators, flow control, assertions, string handling, I/O, parsing, formatting, generics, collections, inner classes, threads and the JDK toos (Quelle:

Zur Vorbereitung auf den SCJP gibt es im Netz viele Fragen, die denen aus dem SCJP sehr ähnlich sind. Auch wer kein SCJP machen möchte, sollte sich mit dem Thema beschäftigen, da es doch das tiefe Verständnis der Sprache Java schärft (weniger den Bibliotheken oder dem Design von großen Anwendungen!)

Aufgabe: Trage 30 der spannendsten Fragen zusammen.

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