Unter der Apache Lizenz:
It is the most standards-compliant Open Source Java persistence product in existence. It is fully compliant with the JDO1, JDO2, JDO2.1, JDO2.2, JDO3, JDO3.1, JPA1, JPA2, JPA2.1 Java standards. It also complies with the OGC Simple Feature Specification for persistence of geospatial Java types to RDBMS. It utilises an OSGi-based plugin mechanism meaning that it is extremely extensible.
http://www.datanucleus.org/. Neues: http://www.datanucleus.org/documentation/news/access_platform_4_0_0_release.html:
- Java 1.8 : Upgrade to ASM v5 to allow for Java 1.8 bytecode changes
- Java 1.8 : support for the majority of java.time types
- Changed the bytecode enhancement contract to use an internal definition rather than the JDO contract
- JPA : no longer needs to have jdo-api.jar present
- Cassandra : support for Cassandra 1.2+
- Support for multicolumn TypeConverters (used by RDBMS, Cassandra, Excel, ODF, Neo4j, MongoDB, JSON, HBase)
- SchemaTool : support for create/delete of a schema (where the datastore supports it)
- RDBMS : support for HikariCP and DBCP2 connection pools
- RDBMS : ability to use single connection per PM/EM (rather than 1 for transactional operations, and 1 for non-transactional operations)
- RDBMS : removed the need to create JavaTypeMapping classes when the user type has a TypeConverter
- JSON : support for embedded 1-1 relation fields/properties
- Excel/ODF/JSON/MongoDB/Neo4j/HBase/Cassandra : move to using „core“ definition of table/columns meaning access to generalised features tested on other datastores