jdk-11-ea+2 freigegeben

Die größte Änderung ist, was angekündigt wurde:

These builds include JEP 320 (Remove the Java EE and CORBA Modules) [1],
so they're significantly smaller (nine fewer modules, 22 fewer megabytes
on Linux/x64).

- Mark

Weitere Infos und Download unter http://jdk.java.net/11/. Folgende Änderungen gibt es:

Changeset Bug ID Synopsis
d9fce53461a1 8197812 (ref) Data race in Finalizer
c38163717870 8198227 Fix COMPARE_BUILD after forest consolidation
329428e095b6 8198306 Add post custom extension hooks to two launchers
67cdc215ed70 8198228 Spec clarification: j.u.Locale.getDisplayName()
edaa989b4e67 8058965 Remove IPv6 support from TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl [win]
01237b276b8b 8198318 Make build comparisons clean again
7f9c3cd11e97 8170120 jimage throws IOException when the given file is not a jimage file
0a185d6fafa1 8198379 tools/jimage/JImageListTest.java failing
b417304c811b 8198380 tools/jimage/JImageExtractTest.java failing
42cec55157fa 8198417 Exclude tools/jimage/JImageExtractTest.java and tools/jimage/JImageListTest.java on Windows
37beaca49e63 8194922 jlink –exclude-resources should never exclude module-info.class
18debf414948 8198425 make/Main.gmk Add extra extension/override points to the make file
c7e84c0a51c3 8198328 Create devkit for Solaris with developer studio 12.6 and Solaris11.3
916690b5edc9 8194892 add compiler support for local-variable syntax for lambda parameters
576e024f10b6 8198418 Invoke LambdaMetafactory::metafactory exactly from the BootstrapMethodInvoker
906025796009 8198441 Replace native Runtime::runFinalization0 method with shared secrets
b75c9e2e3b1f 8198450 Make jdk.internal.vm.compiler/module-info.java.extra reproducable
1913e7fc6be9 8198301 jdk11+1 was built as ‚fcs‘ instead of ‚ea‘
b2bba53b079d 8198303 jdk11+1 was build with incorrect GA date as 2018-03-20
02404e27d356 8198479 JDK build is broken by 8194892
847a988152b8 8194154 System property user.dir should not be changed
cc30928a834e 8198385 Remove property sun.locale.formatasdefault
28d8fc8cd3cd 8190904 Incorrect currency instance returned by java.util.Currency.getInstance()
b1a5b4ad7427 8198523 Refactor BootstrapMethodInvoker to further avoid runtime type checks
b25eb74ec283 8197439 Crash with -XDfind=lambda for anonymous class in anonymous class.
9e3f2ec326ba 8198502 Exception at runtime due to lambda analyzer reattributes live AST
20358c9f72c1 8198563 Test langtools/tools/javac/analyzer/AnonymousInAnonymous.java failing after JDK-8198502
03ae177c26b0 8198512 compiler support for local-variable syntax for lambda parameters

Release Notes Since build 1  Integrations


 ThreadPoolExecutor should not specify a dependency on finalizationPrevious versions of ThreadPoolExecutor had a finalize method that shut down the thread pool, but in this version the finalize method does nothing. This should have no visible effect unless a subclass explicitly invokes the finalize method and relies on the executor being shutdown.


 jarsigner should print when a timestamp will expireThe jarsigner tool now shows more information about the lifetime of a timestamped JAR. New warning and error messages are displayed when a timestamp has expired or is expiring within one year.

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