Class java.awt.MenuBar
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Class java.awt.MenuBar
- public class MenuBar
- extends MenuComponent
- implements MenuContainer
A class that encapsulates the platform's concept of a menu bar bound
to a Frame. In order to associate the MenuBar with an actual Frame,
the Frame.setMenuBar() method should be called. - See Also:
- setMenuBar
MenuBar() - Creates a new menu bar.
add(Menu) - Adds the specified menu to the menu bar.
addNotify() - Creates the menu bar's peer.
countMenus() - Counts the number of menus on the menu bar.
getHelpMenu() - Gets the help menu on the menu bar.
getMenu(int) - Gets the specified menu.
remove(int) - Removes the menu located at the specified index from the menu bar.
remove(MenuComponent) - Removes the specified menu from the menu bar.
removeNotify() - Removes the menu bar's peer.
setHelpMenu(Menu) - Sets the help menu to the specified menu on the menu bar.
public MenuBar()
- Creates a new menu bar.
public synchronized void addNotify()
- Creates the menu bar's peer. The peer allows us to change the appearance of the menu bar without changing any of the menu bar's functionality.
public void removeNotify()
- Removes the menu bar's peer. The peer allows us to change the appearance of the menu bar without changing any of the menu bar's functionality.
- Overrides:
- removeNotify in class MenuComponent
public Menu getHelpMenu()
- Gets the help menu on the menu bar.
public synchronized void setHelpMenu(Menu m)
- Sets the help menu to the specified menu on the menu bar.
- Parameters:
- m - the menu to be set
public synchronized Menu add(Menu m)
- Adds the specified menu to the menu bar.
- Parameters:
- m - the menu to be added to the menu bar
public synchronized void remove(int index)
- Removes the menu located at the specified index from the menu bar.
- Parameters:
- index - the position of the menu to be removed
public synchronized void remove(MenuComponent m)
- Removes the specified menu from the menu bar.
- Parameters:
- m - the menu to be removed
public int countMenus()
- Counts the number of menus on the menu bar.
public Menu getMenu(int i)
- Gets the specified menu.
- Parameters:
- i - the menu to be returned
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