Class java.awt.Polygon
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Class java.awt.Polygon


public class Polygon
extends Object
A polygon consists of a list of x and y coordinates.

Variable Index

 o npoints
The total number of points.
 o xpoints
The array of x coordinates.
 o ypoints
The array of y coordinates.

Constructor Index

 o Polygon()
Creates an empty polygon.
 o Polygon(int[], int[], int)
Constructs and initializes a Polygon from the specified parameters.

Method Index

 o addPoint(int, int)
Appends a point to a polygon.
 o getBoundingBox()
Determines the area spanned by this Polygon.
 o inside(int, int)
Determines whether the point (x,y) is inside the Polygon.


 o npoints
public int npoints
The total number of points.
 o xpoints
public int xpoints[]
The array of x coordinates.
 o ypoints
public int ypoints[]
The array of y coordinates.


 o Polygon
public Polygon()
Creates an empty polygon.
 o Polygon
public Polygon(int xpoints[],
                 int ypoints[],
                 int npoints)
Constructs and initializes a Polygon from the specified parameters.
xpoints - the array of x coordinates
ypoints - the array of y coordinates
npoints - the total number of points in the Polygon


 o addPoint
public void addPoint(int x,
                       int y)
Appends a point to a polygon. If inside(x, y) or another operation that calculates the bounding box has already been performed, this method updates the bounds accordingly.
x - the x coordinate of the point
y - the y coordinate of the point
 o getBoundingBox
public Rectangle getBoundingBox()
Determines the area spanned by this Polygon.
a Rectangle defining the bounds of the Polygon.
 o inside
public boolean inside(int x,
                        int y)
Determines whether the point (x,y) is inside the Polygon. Uses an even-odd insideness rule (also known as an alternating rule).
x - the X coordinate of the point to be tested
y - the Y coordinate of the point to be tested

Based on code by Hanpeter van Vliet .

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