Class java.awt.Scrollbar
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Class java.awt.Scrollbar
- public class Scrollbar
- extends Component
A Scrollbar component.
HORIZONTAL - The horizontal Scrollbar variable.
VERTICAL - The vertical Scrollbar variable.
Scrollbar() - Constructs a new vertical Scrollbar.
Scrollbar(int) - Constructs a new Scrollbar with the specified orientation.
Scrollbar(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructs a new Scrollbar with the specified orientation,
value, page size, and minumum and maximum values.
addNotify() - Creates the Scrollbar's peer.
getLineIncrement() - Gets the line increment for this scrollbar.
getMaximum() - Returns the maximum value of this Scrollbar.
getMinimum() - Returns the minimum value of this Scrollbar.
getOrientation() - Returns the orientation for this Scrollbar.
getPageIncrement() - Gets the page increment for this scrollbar.
getValue() - Returns the current value of this Scrollbar.
getVisible() - Returns the visible amount of the Scrollbar.
paramString() - Returns the String parameters for this Scrollbar.
setLineIncrement(int) - Sets the line increment for this scrollbar.
setPageIncrement(int) - Sets the page increment for this scrollbar.
setValue(int) - Sets the value of this Scrollbar to the specified value.
setValues(int, int, int, int) - Sets the values for this Scrollbar.
public final static int HORIZONTAL
- The horizontal Scrollbar variable.
public final static int VERTICAL
- The vertical Scrollbar variable.
public Scrollbar()
- Constructs a new vertical Scrollbar.
public Scrollbar(int orientation)
- Constructs a new Scrollbar with the specified orientation.
- Parameters:
- orientation - either Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL or Scrollbar.VERTICAL
- Throws: IllegalArgumentException
- When an illegal scrollbar orientation is given.
public Scrollbar(int orientation,
int value,
int visible,
int minimum,
int maximum)
- Constructs a new Scrollbar with the specified orientation,
value, page size, and minumum and maximum values.
- Parameters:
- orientation - either Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL or Scrollbar.VERTICAL
- value - the scrollbar's value
- visible - the size of the visible portion of the
scrollable area. The scrollbar will use this value when paging up
or down by a page.
- minimum - the minimum value of the scrollbar
- maximum - the maximum value of the scrollbar
public synchronized void addNotify()
- Creates the Scrollbar's peer. The peer allows you to modify
the appearance of the Scrollbar without changing any of its
- Overrides:
- addNotify in class Component
public int getOrientation()
- Returns the orientation for this Scrollbar.
public int getValue()
- Returns the current value of this Scrollbar.
- See Also:
- getMinimum, getMaximum
public void setValue(int value)
- Sets the value of this Scrollbar to the specified value.
- Parameters:
- value - the new value of the Scrollbar. If this value is
below the current minimum or above the current maximum, it becomes the
new one of those values, respectively.
- See Also:
- getValue
public int getMinimum()
- Returns the minimum value of this Scrollbar.
- See Also:
- getMaximum, getValue
public int getMaximum()
- Returns the maximum value of this Scrollbar.
- See Also:
- getMinimum, getValue
public int getVisible()
- Returns the visible amount of the Scrollbar.
public void setLineIncrement(int l)
- Sets the line increment for this scrollbar. This is the value
that will be added (subtracted) when the user hits the line down
(up) gadgets.
public int getLineIncrement()
- Gets the line increment for this scrollbar.
public void setPageIncrement(int l)
- Sets the page increment for this scrollbar. This is the value
that will be added (subtracted) when the user hits the page down
(up) gadgets.
public int getPageIncrement()
- Gets the page increment for this scrollbar.
public void setValues(int value,
int visible,
int minimum,
int maximum)
- Sets the values for this Scrollbar.
- Parameters:
- value - is the position in the current window.
- visible - is the amount visible per page
- minimum - is the minimum value of the scrollbar
- maximum - is the maximum value of the scrollbar
protected String paramString()
- Returns the String parameters for this Scrollbar.
- Overrides:
- paramString in class Component
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