Class java.lang.Double
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Class java.lang.Double
- public final class Double
- extends Number
The Double class provides an object wrapper for Double data values and serves as a place for double-oriented operations. A wrapper is useful because most of
Java's utility classes require the use of objects. Since doubles are not objects in Java, they need to be "wrapped" in a Double instance.
MAX_VALUE - The maximum value a double can have.
MIN_VALUE - The minimum value a double can have.
NaN - Not-a-Number.
NEGATIVE_INFINITY - Negative infinity.
POSITIVE_INFINITY - Positive infinity.
Double(double) - Constructs a Double wrapper for the specified double value.
Double(String) - Constructs a Double object initialized to the value specified by the
String parameter.
doubleToLongBits(double) - Returns the bit represention of a double-float value
doubleValue() - Returns the double value of this Double.
equals(Object) - Compares this object against the specified object.
floatValue() - Returns the float value of this Double.
hashCode() - Returns a hashcode for this Double.
intValue() - Returns the integer value of this Double (by casting to an int).
isInfinite() - Returns true if this Double value is infinitely large in magnitude.
isInfinite(double) - Returns true if the specified number is infinitely large in magnitude.
isNaN() - Returns true if this Double value is the special Not-a-Number (NaN) value.
isNaN(double) - Returns true if the specified number is the special Not-a-Number (NaN) value.
longBitsToDouble(long) - Returns the double-float corresponding to a given bit represention.
longValue() - Returns the long value of this Double (by casting to a long).
toString() - Returns a String representation of this Double object.
toString(double) - Returns a String representation for the specified double value.
valueOf(String) - Returns a new Double value initialized to the value represented by the specified String.
public final static double POSITIVE_INFINITY
- Positive infinity.
public final static double NEGATIVE_INFINITY
- Negative infinity.
public final static double NaN
- Not-a-Number. Is not equal to anything, including
public final static double MAX_VALUE
- The maximum value a double can have. The greatest maximum value that a double can have is 1.79769313486231570e+308d.
public final static double MIN_VALUE
- The minimum value a double can have. The lowest minimum value that a
double can have is 2.2250738585072014E-308.
public Double(double value)
- Constructs a Double wrapper for the specified double value.
- Parameters:
- value - the initial value of the double
public Double(String s) throws NumberFormatException
- Constructs a Double object initialized to the value specified by the
String parameter.
- Parameters:
- s - the String to be converted to a Double
- Throws: NumberFormatException
- If the String does not contain a parsable number.
public static String toString(double d)
- Returns a String representation for the specified double value.
- Parameters:
- d - the double to be converted
public static Double valueOf(String s) throws NumberFormatException
- Returns a new Double value initialized to the value represented by the specified String.
- Parameters:
- s - the String to be parsed
- Throws: NumberFormatException
- If the String cannot be parsed.
public static boolean isNaN(double v)
- Returns true if the specified number is the special Not-a-Number (NaN) value.
- Parameters:
- v - the value to be tested
public static boolean isInfinite(double v)
- Returns true if the specified number is infinitely large in magnitude.
- Parameters:
- v - the value to be tested
public boolean isNaN()
- Returns true if this Double value is the special Not-a-Number (NaN) value.
public boolean isInfinite()
- Returns true if this Double value is infinitely large in magnitude.
public String toString()
- Returns a String representation of this Double object.
- Overrides:
- toString in class Object
public int intValue()
- Returns the integer value of this Double (by casting to an int).
- Overrides:
- intValue in class Number
public long longValue()
- Returns the long value of this Double (by casting to a long).
- Overrides:
- longValue in class Number
public float floatValue()
- Returns the float value of this Double.
- Overrides:
- floatValue in class Number
public double doubleValue()
- Returns the double value of this Double.
- Overrides:
- doubleValue in class Number
public int hashCode()
- Returns a hashcode for this Double.
- Overrides:
- hashCode in class Object
public boolean equals(Object obj)
- Compares this object against the specified object.
To be useful in hashtables this method
considers two NaN double values to be equal. This
is not according to IEEE specification.
- Parameters:
- obj - the object to compare with
- Returns:
- true if the objects are the same; false otherwise.
- Overrides:
- equals in class Object
public static long doubleToLongBits(double value)
- Returns the bit represention of a double-float value
public static double longBitsToDouble(long bits)
- Returns the double-float corresponding to a given bit represention.
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