Class java.lang.Long
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Class java.lang.Long
- public final class Long
- extends Number
The Long class provides an object wrapper for Long data values and serves as a place for long-oriented operations. A wrapper is useful because most of Java's
utility classes require the use of objects. Since longs are not objects in Java,
they need to be "wrapped" in a Long instance.
MAX_VALUE - The maximum value a Long can have.
MIN_VALUE - The minimum value a Long can have.
Long(long) - Constructs a Long object initialized to the specified value.
Long(String) - Constructs a Long object initialized to the value specified by the
String parameter.
doubleValue() - Returns the value of this Long as a double.
equals(Object) - Compares this object against the specified object.
floatValue() - Returns the value of this Long as a float.
getLong(String) - Gets a Long property.
getLong(String, long) - Gets a Long property.
getLong(String, Long) - Gets a Long property.
hashCode() - Computes a hashcode for this Long.
intValue() - Returns the value of this Long as an int.
longValue() - Returns the value of this Long as a long.
parseLong(String) - Assuming the specified String represents a long, return that long's
parseLong(String, int) - Assuming the specified String represents a long, returns that long's
toBinaryString(long) - Returns a new String object representing the specified long as unsigned octal number.
toHexString(long) - Returns a new String object representing the specified long as unsigned hexidecimal number.
toOctalString(long) - Returns a new String object representing the specified long as unsigned octal number.
toString() - Returns a String object representing this Long's value.
toString(long) - Returns a new String object representing the specified integer.
toString(long, int) - Returns a new String object representing the specified long in
the specified radix.
valueOf(String) - Assuming the specified String represents a long, returns a new Long
object initialized to that value.
valueOf(String, int) - Assuming the specified String represents a long, returns a new Long
object initialized to that value.
public final static long MIN_VALUE
- The minimum value a Long can have. The lowest minimum value that a
Long can have is 0x8000000000000000.
public final static long MAX_VALUE
- The maximum value a Long can have. The larget maximum value that a
Long can have is 0x7fffffffffffffff.
public Long(long value)
- Constructs a Long object initialized to the specified value.
- Parameters:
- value - the initial value of the Long
public Long(String s) throws NumberFormatException
- Constructs a Long object initialized to the value specified by the
String parameter. The radix is assumed to be 10.
- Parameters:
- s - the String to be converted to a Long
- Throws: NumberFormatException
- If the String does not contain a parsable long.
public static String toString(long i,
int radix)
- Returns a new String object representing the specified long in
the specified radix.
- Parameters:
- i - the long to be converted
- radix - the radix
- See Also:
public static String toHexString(long i)
- Returns a new String object representing the specified long as unsigned hexidecimal number.
public static String toOctalString(long i)
- Returns a new String object representing the specified long as unsigned octal number.
public static String toBinaryString(long i)
- Returns a new String object representing the specified long as unsigned octal number.
public static String toString(long i)
- Returns a new String object representing the specified integer. The radix
is assumed to be 10.
- Parameters:
- i - the long to be converted
public static long parseLong(String s,
int radix) throws NumberFormatException
- Assuming the specified String represents a long, returns that long's
value. Throws an exception if the String cannot be parsed as a long.
- Parameters:
- s - the String containing the integer
- radix - the radix to be used
- Throws: NumberFormatException
- If the String does not contain a parsable integer.
public static long parseLong(String s) throws NumberFormatException
- Assuming the specified String represents a long, return that long's
value. Throws an exception if the String cannot be parsed as a long.
The radix is assumed to be 10.
- Parameters:
- s - the String containing the long
- Throws: NumberFormatException
- If the string does not contain a parsable long.
public static Long valueOf(String s,
int radix) throws NumberFormatException
- Assuming the specified String represents a long, returns a new Long
object initialized to that value. Throws an exception if the String cannot be
parsed as a long.
- Parameters:
- s - the String containing the long.
- radix - the radix to be used
- Throws: NumberFormatException
- If the String does not contain a parsable long.
public static Long valueOf(String s) throws NumberFormatException
- Assuming the specified String represents a long, returns a new Long
object initialized to that value. Throws an exception if the String cannot be
parsed as a long. The radix is assumed to be 10.
- Parameters:
- s - the String containing the long
- Throws: NumberFormatException
- If the String does not contain a parsable long.
public int intValue()
- Returns the value of this Long as an int.
- Overrides:
- intValue in class Number
public long longValue()
- Returns the value of this Long as a long.
- Overrides:
- longValue in class Number
public float floatValue()
- Returns the value of this Long as a float.
- Overrides:
- floatValue in class Number
public double doubleValue()
- Returns the value of this Long as a double.
- Overrides:
- doubleValue in class Number
public String toString()
- Returns a String object representing this Long's value.
- Overrides:
- toString in class Object
public int hashCode()
- Computes a hashcode for this Long.
- Overrides:
- hashCode in class Object
public boolean equals(Object obj)
- Compares this object against the specified object.
- Parameters:
- obj - the object to compare with
- Returns:
- true if the objects are the same; false otherwise.
- Overrides:
- equals in class Object
public static Long getLong(String nm)
- Gets a Long property. If the property does not
exist, it will return 0.
- Parameters:
- nm - the property name
public static Long getLong(String nm,
long val)
- Gets a Long property. If the property does not
exist, it will return val. Deals with Hexadecimal and octal numbers.
- Parameters:
- nm - the String name
- val - the Long value
public static Long getLong(String nm,
Long val)
- Gets a Long property. If the property does not
exist, it will return val. Deals with Hexadecimal and octal numbers.
- Parameters:
- nm - the property name
- val - the Long value
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