Class java.util.Stack
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Class java.util.Stack


public class Stack
extends Vector
A Last-In-First-Out(LIFO) stack of objects.

Constructor Index

 o Stack()

Method Index

 o empty()
Returns true if the stack is empty.
 o peek()
Peeks at the top of the stack.
 o pop()
Pops an item off the stack.
 o push(Object)
Pushes an item onto the stack.
 o search(Object)
Sees if an object is on the stack.


 o Stack
public Stack()


 o push
public Object push(Object item)
Pushes an item onto the stack.
item - the item to be pushed on.
 o pop
public Object pop()
Pops an item off the stack.
Throws: EmptyStackException
If the stack is empty.
 o peek
public Object peek()
Peeks at the top of the stack.
Throws: EmptyStackException
If the stack is empty.
 o empty
public boolean empty()
Returns true if the stack is empty.
 o search
public int search(Object o)
Sees if an object is on the stack.
o - the desired object
the distance from the top, or -1 if it is not found.

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