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Interface java.awt.LayoutManager
- public interface LayoutManager
Defines the interface for classes that know how to layout Containers. - See Also:
- Container
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
layoutContainer(Container) - Lays out the container in the specified panel.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Calculates the minimum size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the specified parent container.
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Calculates the preferred size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the specified parent container.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Removes the specified component from the layout.
public abstract void addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
- Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
- Parameters:
- name - the component name
- comp - the component to be added
public abstract void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp)
- Removes the specified component from the layout.
- Parameters:
- comp - the component ot be removed
public abstract Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent)
- Calculates the preferred size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the specified parent container.
- Parameters:
- parent - the component to be laid out
- See Also:
- minimumLayoutSize
public abstract Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent)
- Calculates the minimum size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the specified parent container.
- Parameters:
- parent - the component to be laid out
- See Also:
- preferredLayoutSize
public abstract void layoutContainer(Container parent)
- Lays out the container in the specified panel.
- Parameters:
- parent - the component which needs to be laid out
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