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Class java.awt.SystemColor
- public final class SystemColor
- extends Color
- implements Serializable
A class to encapsulate symbolic colors representing the color of GUI objects on a system. For systems which support the dynamic update of the system colors (when the user changes the colors) the actual RGB values of these symbolic colors will also change dynamically. In order to compare the "current" RGB value of a SystemColor object with a non-symbolic Color object, getRGB() should be used rather than equals().
ACTIVE_CAPTION - The array index for the active caption background color.
ACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER - The array index for the active caption border color.
ACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT - The array index for the action caption text color.
activeCaption - The background color for captions in window borders.
activeCaptionBorder - The border color for captions in window borders.
activeCaptionText - The text color for captions in window borders.
CONTROL - The array index for the control background color.
control - The background color for control objects.
CONTROL_DK_SHADOW - The array index for the control dark shadow color.
CONTROL_HIGHLIGHT - The array index for the control highlight color.
CONTROL_LT_HIGHLIGHT - The array index for the control light highlight color.
CONTROL_SHADOW - The array index for the control shadow color.
CONTROL_TEXT - The array index for the control text color.
controlDkShadow - The dark shadow color for control objects.
controlHighlight - The regular highlight color for control objects.
controlLtHighlight - The light highlight color for control objects.
controlShadow - The regular shadow color for control objects.
controlText - The text color for control objects.
desktop - The color of the desktop background.
DESKTOP - The array index for the desktop background color.
INACTIVE_CAPTION - The array index for the inactive caption background color.
INACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER - The array index for the inactive caption border color.
INACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT - The array index for the inactive caption text color.
inactiveCaption - The background color for inactive captions in window borders.
inactiveCaptionBorder - The border color for inactive captios in window borders.
inactiveCaptionText - The text color for inactive captions in window borders.
INFO - The array index for the info background color.
info - The background color for info(help) text.
INFO_TEXT - The array index for the info text color.
infoText - The text color for info(help) text.
menu - The background color for menus.
MENU - The array index for the menu background color.
MENU_TEXT - The array index for the menu text color.
menuText - The text color for menus.
NUM_COLORS - The number of system colors in the array.
scrollbar - The background color for scrollbars.
SCROLLBAR - The array index for the scrollbar background color.
TEXT - The array index for the text background color.
text - The background color for text components.
TEXT_HIGHLIGHT - The array index for the text highlight color.
TEXT_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT - The array index for the text highlight text color.
TEXT_INACTIVE_TEXT - The array index for the text inactive text color.
TEXT_TEXT - The array index for the text text color.
textHighlight - The background color for highlighted text.
textHighlightText - The text color for highlighted text.
textInactiveText - The text color for inactive text.
textText - The text color for text components.
WINDOW - The array index for the window background color.
window - The background color for windows.
WINDOW_BORDER - The array index for the window border color.
WINDOW_TEXT - The array index for the window text color.
windowBorder - The border color for windows.
windowText - The text color for windows.
getRGB() - Gets the "current" RGB value representing the symbolic color.
toString() - Returns the String representation of this Color's values.
public static final int DESKTOP
- The array index for the desktop background color.
public static final int ACTIVE_CAPTION
- The array index for the active caption background color.
public static final int ACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT
- The array index for the action caption text color.
public static final int ACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER
- The array index for the active caption border color.
public static final int INACTIVE_CAPTION
- The array index for the inactive caption background color.
public static final int INACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT
- The array index for the inactive caption text color.
public static final int INACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER
- The array index for the inactive caption border color.
public static final int WINDOW
- The array index for the window background color.
public static final int WINDOW_BORDER
- The array index for the window border color.
public static final int WINDOW_TEXT
- The array index for the window text color.
public static final int MENU
- The array index for the menu background color.
public static final int MENU_TEXT
- The array index for the menu text color.
public static final int TEXT
- The array index for the text background color.
public static final int TEXT_TEXT
- The array index for the text text color.
public static final int TEXT_HIGHLIGHT
- The array index for the text highlight color.
public static final int TEXT_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT
- The array index for the text highlight text color.
public static final int TEXT_INACTIVE_TEXT
- The array index for the text inactive text color.
public static final int CONTROL
- The array index for the control background color.
public static final int CONTROL_TEXT
- The array index for the control text color.
public static final int CONTROL_HIGHLIGHT
- The array index for the control highlight color.
public static final int CONTROL_LT_HIGHLIGHT
- The array index for the control light highlight color.
public static final int CONTROL_SHADOW
- The array index for the control shadow color.
public static final int CONTROL_DK_SHADOW
- The array index for the control dark shadow color.
public static final int SCROLLBAR
- The array index for the scrollbar background color.
public static final int INFO
- The array index for the info background color.
public static final int INFO_TEXT
- The array index for the info text color.
public static final int NUM_COLORS
- The number of system colors in the array.
public static final SystemColor desktop
- The color of the desktop background.
public static final SystemColor activeCaption
- The background color for captions in window borders.
public static final SystemColor activeCaptionText
- The text color for captions in window borders.
public static final SystemColor activeCaptionBorder
- The border color for captions in window borders.
public static final SystemColor inactiveCaption
- The background color for inactive captions in window borders.
public static final SystemColor inactiveCaptionText
- The text color for inactive captions in window borders.
public static final SystemColor inactiveCaptionBorder
- The border color for inactive captios in window borders.
public static final SystemColor window
- The background color for windows.
public static final SystemColor windowBorder
- The border color for windows.
public static final SystemColor windowText
- The text color for windows.
public static final SystemColor menu
- The background color for menus.
public static final SystemColor menuText
- The text color for menus.
public static final SystemColor text
- The background color for text components.
public static final SystemColor textText
- The text color for text components.
public static final SystemColor textHighlight
- The background color for highlighted text.
public static final SystemColor textHighlightText
- The text color for highlighted text.
public static final SystemColor textInactiveText
- The text color for inactive text.
public static final SystemColor control
- The background color for control objects.
public static final SystemColor controlText
- The text color for control objects.
public static final SystemColor controlHighlight
- The regular highlight color for control objects.
public static final SystemColor controlLtHighlight
- The light highlight color for control objects.
public static final SystemColor controlShadow
- The regular shadow color for control objects.
public static final SystemColor controlDkShadow
- The dark shadow color for control objects.
public static final SystemColor scrollbar
- The background color for scrollbars.
public static final SystemColor info
- The background color for info(help) text.
public static final SystemColor infoText
- The text color for info(help) text.
public int getRGB()
- Gets the "current" RGB value representing the symbolic color. (Bits 24-31 are 0xff, 16-23 are red, 8-15 are green, 0-7 are blue).
- Overrides:
- getRGB in class Color
- See Also:
- getRGBdefault, getBlue, getGreen, getRed
public String toString()
- Returns the String representation of this Color's values.
- Overrides:
- toString in class Color
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