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- public class InvalidClassException
- extends ObjectStreamException
Raised when the Serialization runtime detects a problem with a Class. The class may: - not match the serial version of the class in the stream
- the class contains unknown datatypes
- the class implements only one of writeObject or readObject methods
- the class is not public
- the class does not have an accessible no-arg constructor
InvalidClassException(String) - Report a InvalidClassException for the specified reason.
InvalidClassException(String, String)
getMessage() - Produce the message, include the classname if present.
public String classname
public InvalidClassException(String reason)
- Report a InvalidClassException for the specified reason.
public InvalidClassException(String cname,
String reason)
public String getMessage()
- Produce the message, include the classname if present.
- Overrides:
- getMessage in class Throwable
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