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Class java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
- public class UnicastRemoteObject
- extends RemoteServer
The UnicastRemoteObject class defines a non-replicated remote object whose references are valid only while the server process is alive. The UnicastRemoteObject class provides support for point-to-point active object references (invocations, parameters, and results) using TCP streams. Objects that require remote behavior should extend RemoteObject, typically via UnicastRemoteObject. If UnicastRemoteObject is not extended, the implementation class must then assume the responsibility for the correct semantics of the hashCode, equals, and toString methods inherited from the Object class, so that they behave appropriately for remote objects.
UnicastRemoteObject() - Create and export a new UnicastRemoteObject object using an anonymous port.
clone() - Returns a clone of the remote object that is distinct from the original.
exportObject(Remote) - Export the remote object to make it available to receive incoming calls.
protected UnicastRemoteObject() throws RemoteException
- Create and export a new UnicastRemoteObject object using an anonymous port.
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
- Returns a clone of the remote object that is distinct from the original.
- Returns:
- the new remote object
- Throws: CloneNotSupportedException
- if clone failed due to a RemoteException.
- Overrides:
- clone in class Object
public static RemoteStub exportObject(Remote obj) throws RemoteException
- Export the remote object to make it available to receive incoming calls.
- Parameters:
- obj - the remote object to be exported
- Throws: RemoteException
- if export fails
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