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- public abstract class Signer
- extends Identity
This class is used to represent an Identity that can also digitally sign data. The management of a signer's private keys is an important and sensitive issue that should be handled by subclasses as appropriate to their intended use.
- See Also:
- Identity
Signer() - Creates a signer.
Signer(String) - Creates a signer with the specified identity name.
Signer(String, IdentityScope) - Creates a signer with the specified identity name and scope.
getPrivateKey() - Returns this signer's private key.
setKeyPair(KeyPair) - Sets the key pair (public key and private key) for this signer.
toString() - Returns a string of information about the signer.
protected Signer()
- Creates a signer. This constructor should only be used for serialization.
public Signer(String name)
- Creates a signer with the specified identity name.
- Parameters:
- name - the identity name.
public Signer(String name,
IdentityScope scope) throws KeyManagementException
- Creates a signer with the specified identity name and scope.
- Parameters:
- name - the identity name.
- scope - the scope of the identity.
- Throws: KeyManagementException
- if there is already an identity with the same name in the scope.
public PrivateKey getPrivateKey()
- Returns this signer's private key.
- Returns:
- this signer's private key, or null if the private key has not yet been set.
public final void setKeyPair(KeyPair pair) throws InvalidParameterException, KeyException
- Sets the key pair (public key and private key) for this signer.
- Parameters:
- pair - an initialized key pair.
- Throws: InvalidParameterException
- if the key pair is not properly initialized.
- Throws: KeyException
- if the key pair cannot be set for any other reason.
public String toString()
- Returns a string of information about the signer.
- Returns:
- a string of information about the signer.
- Overrides:
- toString in class Identity
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