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Class java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo
- public class DriverPropertyInfo
- extends Object
The DriverPropertyInfo class is only of interest to advanced programmers who need to interact with a Driver via getDriverProperties to discover and supply properties for connections.
choices - If the value may be selected from a particular set of values, then this is an array of the possible values.
description - A brief description of the property.
name - The name of the property.
required - "required" is true if a value must be supplied for this property during Driver.connect.
value - "value" specifies the current value of the property, based on a combination of the information supplied to getPropertyInfo, the Java environment, and driver supplied default values.
DriverPropertyInfo(String, String) - Constructor a DriverPropertyInfo with a name and value; other members default to their initial values.
public String name
- The name of the property.
public String description
- A brief description of the property. This may be null.
public boolean required
- "required" is true if a value must be supplied for this property during Driver.connect. Otherwise the property is optional.
public String value
- "value" specifies the current value of the property, based on a combination of the information supplied to getPropertyInfo, the Java environment, and driver supplied default values. This may be null if no value is known.
public String choices[]
- If the value may be selected from a particular set of values, then this is an array of the possible values. Otherwise it should be null.
public DriverPropertyInfo(String name,
String value)
- Constructor a DriverPropertyInfo with a name and value; other members default to their initial values.
- Parameters:
- name - the name of the property
- value - the current value, which may be null
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