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Class java.sql.SQLException
- public class SQLException
- extends Exception
The SQLException class provides information on a database access error.
Each SQLException provides several kinds of information:
- a string describing the error. This is used as the Java Exception message, and is available via the getMesage() method
- A "SQLstate" string which follows the XOPEN SQLstate conventions. The values of the SQLState string as described in the XOPEN SQL spec.
- An integer error code that is vendor specific. Normally this will be the actual error code returned by the underlying database.
- A chain to a next Exception. This can be used to provided additional error information.
SQLException() - Construct an SQLException; reason defaults to null, SQLState defaults to null and vendorCode defaults to 0.
SQLException(String) - Construct an SQLException with a reason; SQLState defaults to null and vendorCode defaults to 0.
SQLException(String, String) - Construct an SQLException with a reason and SQLState; vendorCode defaults to 0.
SQLException(String, String, int) - Construct a fully-specified SQLException
getErrorCode() - Get the vendor specific exception code
getNextException() - Get the exception chained to this one.
getSQLState() - Get the SQLState
setNextException(SQLException) - Add an SQLException to the end of the chain.
public SQLException(String reason,
String SQLState,
int vendorCode)
- Construct a fully-specified SQLException
- Parameters:
- reason - a description of the exception
- SQLState - an XOPEN code identifying the exception
- vendorCode - a database vendor specific exception code
public SQLException(String reason,
String SQLState)
- Construct an SQLException with a reason and SQLState; vendorCode defaults to 0.
- Parameters:
- reason - a description of the exception
- SQLState - an XOPEN code identifying the exception
public SQLException(String reason)
- Construct an SQLException with a reason; SQLState defaults to null and vendorCode defaults to 0.
- Parameters:
- reason - a description of the exception
public SQLException()
- Construct an SQLException; reason defaults to null, SQLState defaults to null and vendorCode defaults to 0.
public String getSQLState()
- Get the SQLState
- Returns:
- the SQLState value
public int getErrorCode()
- Get the vendor specific exception code
- Returns:
- the vendor's error code
public SQLException getNextException()
- Get the exception chained to this one.
- Returns:
- the next SQLException in the chain, null if none
public synchronized void setNextException(SQLException ex)
- Add an SQLException to the end of the chain.
- Parameters:
- ex - the new end of the SQLException chain
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