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- public class CheckedInputStream
- extends FilterInputStream
An input stream that also maintains a checksum of the data being read. The checksum can then be used to verify the integrity of the input data. - See Also:
- Checksum
CheckedInputStream(InputStream, Checksum) - Creates an input stream using the specified Checksum.
getChecksum() - Returns the Checksum for this input stream.
read() - Reads a byte.
read(byte[], int, int) - Reads into an array of bytes.
skip(long) - Skips specified number of bytes of input.
public CheckedInputStream(InputStream in,
Checksum cksum)
- Creates an input stream using the specified Checksum.
- Parameters:
- in - the input stream
- cksum - the Checksum
public int read() throws IOException
- Reads a byte. Will block if no input is available.
- Returns:
- the byte read, or -1 if the end of the stream is reached.
- Throws: IOException
- if an I/O error has occurred
- Overrides:
- read in class FilterInputStream
public int read(byte buf[],
int off,
int len) throws IOException
- Reads into an array of bytes. Will block until some input is available.
- Parameters:
- buf - the buffer into which the data is read
- off - the start offset of the data
- len - the maximum number of bytes read
- Returns:
- the actual number of bytes read, or -1 if the end of the stream is reached.
- Throws: IOException
- if an I/O error has occurred
- Overrides:
- read in class FilterInputStream
public long skip(long n) throws IOException
- Skips specified number of bytes of input.
- Parameters:
- n - the number of bytes to skip
- Returns:
- the actual number of bytes skipped
- Throws: IOException
- if an I/O error has occurred
- Overrides:
- skip in class FilterInputStream
public Checksum getChecksum()
- Returns the Checksum for this input stream.
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