Class java.awt.CardLayout
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Class java.awt.CardLayout
- public class CardLayout
- extends Object
- implements LayoutManager
A layout manager for a container that contains several
'cards'. Only one card is visible at a time,
allowing you to flip through the cards.
CardLayout() - Creates a new card layout.
CardLayout(int, int) - Creates a card layout with the specified gaps.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
first(Container) - Flip to the first card.
last(Container) - Flips to the last card of the specified container.
layoutContainer(Container) - Performs a layout in the specified panel.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Calculates the minimum size for the specified panel.
next(Container) - Flips to the next card of the specified container.
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Calculates the preferred size for the specified panel.
previous(Container) - Flips to the previous card of the specified container.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Removes the specified component from the layout.
show(Container, String) - Flips to the specified component name in the specified container.
toString() - Returns the String representation of this CardLayout's values.
public CardLayout()
- Creates a new card layout.
public CardLayout(int hgap,
int vgap)
- Creates a card layout with the specified gaps.
- Parameters:
- hgap - the horizontal gap
- vgap - the vertical gap
public void addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
- Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
- Parameters:
- name - the name of the component
- comp - the component to be added
public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp)
- Removes the specified component from the layout.
- Parameters:
- comp - the component to be removed
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent)
- Calculates the preferred size for the specified panel.
- Parameters:
- parent - the name of the parent container
- Returns:
- the dimensions of this panel.
- See Also:
- minimumLayoutSize
public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent)
- Calculates the minimum size for the specified panel.
- Parameters:
- parent - the name of the parent container
- Returns:
- the dimensions of this panel.
- See Also:
- preferredLayoutSize
public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
- Performs a layout in the specified panel.
- Parameters:
- parent - the name of the parent container
public void first(Container parent)
- Flip to the first card.
- Parameters:
- parent - the name of the parent container
public void next(Container parent)
- Flips to the next card of the specified container.
- Parameters:
- parent - the name of the container
public void previous(Container parent)
- Flips to the previous card of the specified container.
- Parameters:
- parent - the name of the parent container
public void last(Container parent)
- Flips to the last card of the specified container.
- Parameters:
- parent - the name of the parent container
public void show(Container parent,
String name)
- Flips to the specified component name in the specified container.
- Parameters:
- parent - the name of the parent container
- name - the component name
public String toString()
- Returns the String representation of this CardLayout's values.
- Overrides:
- toString in class Object
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