Class java.awt.Checkbox
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Class java.awt.Checkbox
- public class Checkbox
- extends Component
A Checkbox object is a graphical user interface element that has a boolean state.
Checkbox() - Constructs a Checkbox with no label, no Checkbox group, and initialized to a false state.
Checkbox(String) - Constructs a Checkbox with the specified label, no Checkbox group, and initialized to a false state.
Checkbox(String, CheckboxGroup, boolean) - Constructs a Checkbox with the specified label, specified Checkbox group, and specified boolean state.
addNotify() - Creates the peer of the Checkbox.
getCheckboxGroup() - Returns the checkbox group.
getLabel() - Gets the label of the button.
getState() - Returns the boolean state of the Checkbox.
paramString() - Returns the parameter String of this Checkbox.
setCheckboxGroup(CheckboxGroup) - Sets the CheckboxGroup to the specified group.
setLabel(String) - Sets the button with the specified label.
setState(boolean) - Sets the Checkbox to the specifed boolean state.
public Checkbox()
- Constructs a Checkbox with no label, no Checkbox group, and initialized to a false state.
public Checkbox(String label)
- Constructs a Checkbox with the specified label, no Checkbox group, and initialized to a false state.
- Parameters:
- label - the label on the Checkbox
public Checkbox(String label,
CheckboxGroup group,
boolean state)
- Constructs a Checkbox with the specified label, specified Checkbox group, and specified boolean state. If the specified CheckboxGroup
is not equal to null, then this Checkbox becomes a Checkbox button. If the Checkbox becomes a button, this simply means that only one Checkbox in a CheckboxGroup may be set at a time.
- Parameters:
- label - the label on the Checkbox
- group - the CheckboxGroup this Checkbox is in
- state - is the initial state of this Checkbox
public synchronized void addNotify()
- Creates the peer of the Checkbox. The peer allows you to change the
look of the Checkbox without changing its functionality.
- Overrides:
- addNotify in class Component
public String getLabel()
- Gets the label of the button.
- See Also:
- setLabel
public void setLabel(String label)
- Sets the button with the specified label.
- Parameters:
- label - the label of the button
- See Also:
- getLabel
public boolean getState()
- Returns the boolean state of the Checkbox.
- See Also:
- setState
public void setState(boolean state)
- Sets the Checkbox to the specifed boolean state.
- Parameters:
- state - the boolean state
- See Also:
- getState
public CheckboxGroup getCheckboxGroup()
- Returns the checkbox group.
- See Also:
- setCheckboxGroup
public void setCheckboxGroup(CheckboxGroup g)
- Sets the CheckboxGroup to the specified group.
- Parameters:
- g - the new CheckboxGroup
- See Also:
- getCheckboxGroup
protected String paramString()
- Returns the parameter String of this Checkbox.
- Overrides:
- paramString in class Component
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