Class java.awt.FlowLayout
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Class java.awt.FlowLayout
- public class FlowLayout
- extends Object
- implements LayoutManager
Flow layout is used to layout buttons in a panel. It will arrange
buttons left to right until no more buttons fit on the same line.
Each line is centered.
CENTER - The right alignment variable.
LEFT - The left alignment variable.
RIGHT - The right alignment variable.
FlowLayout() - Constructs a new Flow Layout with a centered alignment.
FlowLayout(int) - Constructs a new Flow Layout with the specified alignment.
FlowLayout(int, int, int) - Constructs a new Flow Layout with the specified alignment and gap
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Adds the specified component to the layout.
layoutContainer(Container) - Lays out the container.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Returns the minimum dimensions needed to layout the components
contained in the specified target container.
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the components
in the specified target container.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Removes the specified component from the layout.
toString() - Returns the String representation of this FlowLayout's values.
public final static int LEFT
- The left alignment variable.
public final static int CENTER
- The right alignment variable.
public final static int RIGHT
- The right alignment variable.
public FlowLayout()
- Constructs a new Flow Layout with a centered alignment.
public FlowLayout(int align)
- Constructs a new Flow Layout with the specified alignment.
- Parameters:
- align - the alignment value
public FlowLayout(int align,
int hgap,
int vgap)
- Constructs a new Flow Layout with the specified alignment and gap
- Parameters:
- align - the alignment value
- hgap - the horizontal gap variable
- vgap - the vertical gap variable
public void addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
- Adds the specified component to the layout. Not used by this class.
- Parameters:
- name - the name of the component
- comp - the the component to be added
public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp)
- Removes the specified component from the layout. Not used by
this class.
- Parameters:
- comp - the component to remove
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container target)
- Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the components
in the specified target container.
- Parameters:
- target - the component which needs to be laid out
- See Also:
- Container, minimumLayoutSize
public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container target)
- Returns the minimum dimensions needed to layout the components
contained in the specified target container.
- Parameters:
- target - the component which needs to be laid out
- See Also:
- preferredLayoutSize
public void layoutContainer(Container target)
- Lays out the container. This method will actually reshape the
components in the target in order to satisfy the constraints of
the BorderLayout object.
- Parameters:
- target - the specified component being laid out.
- See Also:
- Container
public String toString()
- Returns the String representation of this FlowLayout's values.
- Overrides:
- toString in class Object
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