Class java.awt.Font
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Class java.awt.Font
- public class Font
- extends Object
A class that produces font objects.
BOLD - The bold style constant.
ITALIC - The italicized style constant.
name - The logical name of this font.
PLAIN - The plain style constant.
size - The point size of this font.
style - The style of the font.
Font(String, int, int) - Creates a new font with the specified name, style and point size.
equals(Object) - Compares this object to the specifed object.
getFamily() - Gets the platform specific family name of the font.
getFont(String) - Gets a font from the system properties list.
getFont(String, Font) - Gets the specified font from the system properties list.
getName() - Gets the logical name of the font.
getSize() - Gets the point size of the font.
getStyle() - Gets the style of the font.
hashCode() - Returns a hashcode for this font.
isBold() - Returns true if the font is bold.
isItalic() - Returns true if the font is italic.
isPlain() - Returns true if the font is plain.
toString() - Converts this object to a String representation.
public final static int PLAIN
- The plain style constant. This can be combined with the other style
constants for mixed styles.
public final static int BOLD
- The bold style constant. This can be combined with the other style
constants for mixed styles.
public final static int ITALIC
- The italicized style constant. This can be combined with the other
style constants for mixed styles.
protected String name
- The logical name of this font.
protected int style
- The style of the font. This is the sum of the
constants PLAIN, BOLD, or ITALIC.
protected int size
- The point size of this font.
public Font(String name,
int style,
int size)
- Creates a new font with the specified name, style and point size.
- Parameters:
- name - the font name
- style - the constant style used
- size - the point size of the font
- See Also:
- getFontList
public String getFamily()
- Gets the platform specific family name of the font.
Use getName to get the logical name of the font.
- See Also:
- getName
public String getName()
- Gets the logical name of the font.
- See Also:
- getFamily
public int getStyle()
- Gets the style of the font.
- See Also:
- isPlain, isBold, isItalic
public int getSize()
- Gets the point size of the font.
public boolean isPlain()
- Returns true if the font is plain.
- See Also:
- getStyle
public boolean isBold()
- Returns true if the font is bold.
- See Also:
- getStyle
public boolean isItalic()
- Returns true if the font is italic.
- See Also:
- getStyle
public static Font getFont(String nm)
- Gets a font from the system properties list.
- Parameters:
- nm - the property name
public static Font getFont(String nm,
Font font)
- Gets the specified font from the system properties list.
- Parameters:
- nm - the property name
- font - a default font to return if property 'nm' is not defined
public int hashCode()
- Returns a hashcode for this font.
- Overrides:
- hashCode in class Object
public boolean equals(Object obj)
- Compares this object to the specifed object.
- Parameters:
- obj - the object to compare with
- Returns:
- true if the objects are the same; false otherwise.
- Overrides:
- equals in class Object
public String toString()
- Converts this object to a String representation.
- Overrides:
- toString in class Object
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