Class java.awt.Toolkit
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Class java.awt.Toolkit
- public class Toolkit
- extends Object
An AWT toolkit. It is used to bind the abstract AWT classes
to a particular native toolkit implementation.
checkImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) - Returns the status of the construction of the indicated method
at the indicated width and height for the default screen.
createButton(Button) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Button.
createCanvas(Canvas) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Canvas.
createCheckbox(Checkbox) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Checkbox.
createCheckboxMenuItem(CheckboxMenuItem) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new CheckboxMenuItem.
createChoice(Choice) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Choice.
createDialog(Dialog) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Dialog.
createFileDialog(FileDialog) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new FileDialog.
createFrame(Frame) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Frame.
createImage(ImageProducer) - Creates an image with the specified image producer.
createLabel(Label) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Label.
createList(List) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new List.
createMenu(Menu) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Menu.
createMenuBar(MenuBar) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new MenuBar.
createMenuItem(MenuItem) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new MenuItem.
createPanel(Panel) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Panel.
createScrollbar(Scrollbar) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Scrollbar.
createTextArea(TextArea) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new TextArea.
createTextField(TextField) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new TextField.
createWindow(Window) - Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Window.
getColorModel() - Returns the ColorModel of the screen.
getDefaultToolkit() - Returns the default toolkit.
getFontList() - Returns the names of the available fonts.
getFontMetrics(Font) - Returns the screen metrics of the font.
getImage(String) - Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified file.
getImage(URL) - Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified URL.
getScreenResolution() - Returns the screen resolution in dots-per-inch.
getScreenSize() - Gets the size of the screen.
prepareImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) - Prepares an image for rendering on the default screen at the
specified width and height.
sync() - Syncs the graphics state; useful when doing animation.
public Toolkit()
protected abstract ButtonPeer createButton(Button target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Button.
- Parameters:
- target - the Button to be created
protected abstract TextFieldPeer createTextField(TextField target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new TextField.
- Parameters:
- target - the TextField to be created
protected abstract LabelPeer createLabel(Label target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Label.
- Parameters:
- target - the Label to be created
protected abstract ListPeer createList(List target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new List.
- Parameters:
- target - the List to be created
protected abstract CheckboxPeer createCheckbox(Checkbox target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Checkbox.
- Parameters:
- target - the Checkbox to be created
protected abstract ScrollbarPeer createScrollbar(Scrollbar target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Scrollbar.
- Parameters:
- target - the Scrollbar to be created
protected abstract TextAreaPeer createTextArea(TextArea target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new TextArea.
- Parameters:
- target - the TextArea to be created
protected abstract ChoicePeer createChoice(Choice target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Choice.
- Parameters:
- target - the Choice to be created
protected abstract FramePeer createFrame(Frame target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Frame.
- Parameters:
- target - the Frame to be created
protected abstract CanvasPeer createCanvas(Canvas target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Canvas.
- Parameters:
- target - the Canvas to be created
protected abstract PanelPeer createPanel(Panel target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Panel.
- Parameters:
- target - the Panel to be created
protected abstract WindowPeer createWindow(Window target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Window.
- Parameters:
- target - the Window to be created
protected abstract DialogPeer createDialog(Dialog target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Dialog.
- Parameters:
- target - the Dialog to be created
protected abstract MenuBarPeer createMenuBar(MenuBar target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new MenuBar.
- Parameters:
- target - the MenuBar to be created
protected abstract MenuPeer createMenu(Menu target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new Menu.
- Parameters:
- target - the Menu to be created
protected abstract MenuItemPeer createMenuItem(MenuItem target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new MenuItem.
- Parameters:
- target - the MenuItem to be created
protected abstract FileDialogPeer createFileDialog(FileDialog target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new FileDialog.
- Parameters:
- target - the FileDialog to be created
protected abstract CheckboxMenuItemPeer createCheckboxMenuItem(CheckboxMenuItem target)
- Uses the specified Peer interface to create a new CheckboxMenuItem.
- Parameters:
- target - the CheckboxMenuItem to be created
public abstract Dimension getScreenSize()
- Gets the size of the screen.
public abstract int getScreenResolution()
- Returns the screen resolution in dots-per-inch.
public abstract ColorModel getColorModel()
- Returns the ColorModel of the screen.
public abstract String[] getFontList()
- Returns the names of the available fonts.
public abstract FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font font)
- Returns the screen metrics of the font.
public abstract void sync()
- Syncs the graphics state; useful when doing animation.
public static synchronized Toolkit getDefaultToolkit()
- Returns the default toolkit. This is controlled by the
"awt.toolkit" property.
- Throws: AWTError
- Toolkit not found or could not be instantiated.
public abstract Image getImage(String filename)
- Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified file.
- Parameters:
- filename - the file containing the pixel data in one of
the recognized file formats
public abstract Image getImage(URL url)
- Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified URL.
- Parameters:
- url - the URL to use in fetching the pixel data
public abstract boolean prepareImage(Image image,
int width,
int height,
ImageObserver observer)
- Prepares an image for rendering on the default screen at the
specified width and height.
public abstract int checkImage(Image image,
int width,
int height,
ImageObserver observer)
- Returns the status of the construction of the indicated method
at the indicated width and height for the default screen.
public abstract Image createImage(ImageProducer producer)
- Creates an image with the specified image producer.
- Parameters:
- producer - the image producer to be used
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