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Class java.awt.AWTEvent
- public abstract class AWTEvent
- extends EventObject
The root event class for all AWT events. This class and its subclasses supercede the original java.awt.Event class. Subclasses of this root AWTEvent class defined outside of the java.awt.event package should define event ID values greater than the value defined by RESERVED_ID_MAX. The event masks defined in this class are needed ONLY by component subclasses which are using Component.enableEvents() to select for event types not selected by registered listeners. If a listener is registered on a component, the appropriate event mask is already set internally by the component. - See Also:
- enableEvents, ComponentEvent, FocusEvent, KeyEvent, MouseEvent, WindowEvent, ActionEvent, AdjustmentEvent, ItemEvent, TextEvent
ACTION_EVENT_MASK - The event mask for selecting action events.
ADJUSTMENT_EVENT_MASK - The event mask for selecting adjustment events.
COMPONENT_EVENT_MASK - The event mask for selecting component events.
CONTAINER_EVENT_MASK - The event mask for selecting container events.
FOCUS_EVENT_MASK - The event mask for selecting focus events.
ITEM_EVENT_MASK - The event mask for selecting item events.
KEY_EVENT_MASK - The event mask for selecting key events.
MOUSE_EVENT_MASK - The event mask for selecting mouse events.
MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK - The event mask for selecting mouse motion events.
RESERVED_ID_MAX - The maximum value for reserved AWT event IDs.
TEXT_EVENT_MASK - The event mask for selecting text events.
WINDOW_EVENT_MASK - The event mask for selecting window events.
AWTEvent(Event) - Constructs an AWTEvent object from the parameters of a 1.0-style event.
AWTEvent(Object, int) - Constructs an AWTEvent object with the specified source object and type.
getID() - Returns the event type.
toString() - Returns a string representation of the object.
protected int id
protected boolean consumed
public static final long COMPONENT_EVENT_MASK
- The event mask for selecting component events.
public static final long CONTAINER_EVENT_MASK
- The event mask for selecting container events.
public static final long FOCUS_EVENT_MASK
- The event mask for selecting focus events.
public static final long KEY_EVENT_MASK
- The event mask for selecting key events.
public static final long MOUSE_EVENT_MASK
- The event mask for selecting mouse events.
public static final long MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK
- The event mask for selecting mouse motion events.
public static final long WINDOW_EVENT_MASK
- The event mask for selecting window events.
public static final long ACTION_EVENT_MASK
- The event mask for selecting action events.
public static final long ADJUSTMENT_EVENT_MASK
- The event mask for selecting adjustment events.
public static final long ITEM_EVENT_MASK
- The event mask for selecting item events.
public static final long TEXT_EVENT_MASK
- The event mask for selecting text events.
public static final int RESERVED_ID_MAX
- The maximum value for reserved AWT event IDs. Programs defining their own event IDs should use IDs greater than this value.
public AWTEvent(Event event)
- Constructs an AWTEvent object from the parameters of a 1.0-style event.
- Parameters:
- event - the old-style event
public AWTEvent(Object source,
int id)
- Constructs an AWTEvent object with the specified source object and type.
- Parameters:
- source - the object where the event originated
public int getID()
- Returns the event type.
public String toString()
- Returns a string representation of the object.
- Overrides:
- toString in class EventObject
public String paramString()
protected void consume()
protected boolean isConsumed()
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