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Class java.awt.event.ComponentEvent
- public class ComponentEvent
- extends AWTEvent
The root event class for all component-level events. These events are provided for notification purposes ONLY; The AWT will automatically handle component moves and resizes internally so that GUI layout works properly regardless of whether a program is receiving these events or not. - See Also:
- ComponentListener
COMPONENT_FIRST - Marks the first integer id for the range of component event ids.
COMPONENT_HIDDEN - The component hidden event type.
COMPONENT_LAST - Marks the last integer id for the range of component event ids.
COMPONENT_MOVED - The component moved event type.
COMPONENT_RESIZED - The component resized event type.
COMPONENT_SHOWN - The component shown event type.
ComponentEvent(Component, int) - Constructs a ComponentEvent object with the specified source component and type.
getComponent() - Returns the component where this event originated.
public static final int COMPONENT_FIRST
- Marks the first integer id for the range of component event ids.
public static final int COMPONENT_LAST
- Marks the last integer id for the range of component event ids.
public static final int COMPONENT_MOVED
- The component moved event type.
public static final int COMPONENT_RESIZED
- The component resized event type.
public static final int COMPONENT_SHOWN
- The component shown event type.
public static final int COMPONENT_HIDDEN
- The component hidden event type.
public ComponentEvent(Component source,
int id)
- Constructs a ComponentEvent object with the specified source component and type.
- Parameters:
- source - the component where the event originated
public Component getComponent()
- Returns the component where this event originated.
public String paramString()
- Overrides:
- paramString in class AWTEvent
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