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Class java.awt.MenuComponent
- public abstract class MenuComponent
- extends Object
- implements Serializable
The abstract class MenuComponent
is the superclass of all menu-related components. In this respect, the class MenuComponent
is analogous to the abstract superclass Component
for AWT components. Menu components receive and process AWT events, just as components do, through the method processEvent
getFont() - Gets the font used for this menu component.
getName() - Gets the name of the menu component.
getParent() - Returns the parent container for this menu component.
getPeer() - Deprecated.
getTreeLock() - Gets this component's locking object (the object that owns the thread sychronization monitor) for AWT component-tree and layout operations.
paramString() - Returns the parameter string representing the state of this menu component.
postEvent(Event) - Posts the specified event to the menu. Deprecated.
processEvent(AWTEvent) - Processes events occurring on this menu component.
removeNotify() - Removes the menu component's peer.
setFont(Font) - Sets the font to be used for this menu component to the specified font.
setName(String) - Sets the name of the component to the specified string.
toString() - Returns a representation of this menu component as a string.
public MenuComponent()
public String getName()
- Gets the name of the menu component.
- Returns:
- the name of the menu component.
- See Also:
- setName
public void setName(String name)
- Sets the name of the component to the specified string.
- Parameters:
- name - the name of the menu component.
- See Also:
- getName
public MenuContainer getParent()
- Returns the parent container for this menu component.
- Returns:
- the menu component containing this menu component, or
if this menu component is the outermost component, the menu bar itself.
public MenuComponentPeer getPeer()
- Note: getPeer() is deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, programs should not directly manipulate peers.
public Font getFont()
- Gets the font used for this menu component.
- Returns:
- the font used in this menu component, if there is one;
otherwise. - See Also:
- setFont
public void setFont(Font f)
- Sets the font to be used for this menu component to the specified font. This font is also used by all subcomponents of this menu component, unless those subcomponents specify a different font.
- Parameters:
- f - the font to be set.
- See Also:
- getFont
public void removeNotify()
- Removes the menu component's peer. The peer allows us to modify the appearance of the menu component without changing the functionality of the menu component.
public boolean postEvent(Event evt)
- Note: postEvent() is deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
. - Posts the specified event to the menu. This method is part of the Java 1.0 event system and it is maintained only for backwards compatibility. Its use is discouraged, and it may not be supported in the future.
- Parameters:
- evt - the event which is to take place
public final void dispatchEvent(AWTEvent e)
protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e)
- Processes events occurring on this menu component.
- Parameters:
- e - the event
protected String paramString()
- Returns the parameter string representing the state of this menu component. This string is useful for debugging.
- Returns:
- the parameter string of this menu component.
public String toString()
- Returns a representation of this menu component as a string.
- Returns:
- a string representation of this menu component.
- Overrides:
- toString in class Object
protected final Object getTreeLock()
- Gets this component's locking object (the object that owns the thread sychronization monitor) for AWT component-tree and layout operations.
- Returns:
- This component's locking object.
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