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Class java.rmi.server.LogStream
- public class LogStream
- extends PrintStream
presents a mechanism for logging errors that are of possible interest to those monitoring the system.
SILENT - constants for logging levels
getDefaultStream() - Return the current default stream for new logs.
getOutputStream() - Return the current stream to which output from this log is sent.
log(String) - Return the LogStream identified by the given name.
parseLevel(String) - Convert a string name of a logging level to its internal integer representation.
setDefaultStream(PrintStream) - Set the default stream for new logs.
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Set the stream to which output from this log is sent.
toString() - Return log name as string representation
write(byte[], int, int) - Write a subarray of bytes.
write(int) - Write a byte of data to the stream.
public static final int SILENT
- constants for logging levels
public static final int BRIEF
public static final int VERBOSE
public static LogStream log(String name)
- Return the LogStream identified by the given name. If a log corresponding to "name" does not exist, a log using the default stream is created.
public static synchronized PrintStream getDefaultStream()
- Return the current default stream for new logs.
public static synchronized void setDefaultStream(PrintStream newDefault)
- Set the default stream for new logs.
public synchronized OutputStream getOutputStream()
- Return the current stream to which output from this log is sent.
public synchronized void setOutputStream(OutputStream out)
- Set the stream to which output from this log is sent.
public void write(int b)
- Write a byte of data to the stream. If it is not a newline, then the byte is appended to the internal buffer. If it is a newline, then the currently buffered line is sent to the log's output stream, prefixed with the appropriate logging information.
- Overrides:
- write in class PrintStream
public void write(byte b[],
int off,
int len)
- Write a subarray of bytes. Pass each through write byte method.
- Overrides:
- write in class PrintStream
public String toString()
- Return log name as string representation
- Overrides:
- toString in class Object
public static int parseLevel(String s)
- Convert a string name of a logging level to its internal integer representation.
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