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Class java.rmi.server.ObjID
- public final class ObjID
- extends Object
- implements Serializable
The class ObjID is used to identify remote objects uniquely in a VM over time. Each identifier contains an object number and an address space identifier that is unique with respect to a specific host. An object identifier is assigned to a remote object when it is exported.
DGC_ID - well-known id for the distributed garbage collector
REGISTRY_ID - well-known id for the registry
ObjID() - Generate unique object identifier.
ObjID(int) - Generate a "well-known" object ID.
equals(Object) - Two object identifiers are considered equal if they have the same contents.
hashCode() - The hashcode is the object number.
read(ObjectInput) - The read method constructs an object id whose contents is read from the specified input stream.
toString() - Returns a string containing the object id representation.
write(ObjectOutput) - Marshal object id to output stream.
public static final int REGISTRY_ID
- well-known id for the registry
public static final int DGC_ID
- well-known id for the distributed garbage collector
public ObjID()
- Generate unique object identifier.
public ObjID(int num)
- Generate a "well-known" object ID. An object ID generated via this constructor will not clash with any object IDs generated via the default constructor.
- Parameters:
- num - a unique well-known object number
public void write(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
- Marshal object id to output stream.
public static ObjID read(ObjectInput in) throws IOException
- The read method constructs an object id whose contents is read from the specified input stream.
public int hashCode()
- The hashcode is the object number.
- Overrides:
- hashCode in class Object
public boolean equals(Object obj)
- Two object identifiers are considered equal if they have the same contents.
- Overrides:
- equals in class Object
public String toString()
- Returns a string containing the object id representation. The address space identifier is included in the string representation only if the object id is from a non-local address space.
- Overrides:
- toString in class Object
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